وزارة الزراعة - هيئة البحوث الزراعية ARC

الجهة البحثية الرئيسية في مجال الزراعة في السودان




<!--Insect Pest Control:

<!--Evaluation of some insecticides for the control of major insects of cotton.

By: Hassan O. Kannan, Omer A. ELnour, Khansa M. Mekki & Abdalla A. Mohammed.


<!--Evaluation of two Fipronil Insecticides for Control of Termites (Microtermes spp. and Odontotermes nilenses) on Seedcane Cuttings

        By: ElNour Ahmed ElNour.


<!--Evaluation of Karate 2 UL (lambda-cyhalothrin) against the desert locust (Schistocerca gregaria)

         By: Mahgoub M. Mohamed, Kamal S. Obeid and Ihsan A. Abbas


<!--Evaluation of the efficacy of Sipronil 5 SC (fipronil) for the control of Dura Andat, Agonoscelis pubescens (THNB), (Hemiptera: Pentatomidiae). 

By: Sania Gobara Ibrahim, Azhari Omer Abdelbagi, Salwa Balla Sanhori  and  

       Ismail E. Omer.


<!--Quantification of tolerance to jassid on four cotton cultivars and determination of Economic Threshold level for chemical control interference.

By: Omer A. Elnour.


<!--Evaluation of some insecticides for the control of African bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner), on tomato.

By: Entisar A. Osman, Ensaf S. I. Mohamed, Omer A. Elnour, Ali E. Ali and

       Babeker A. Mohammed, Treiza N. Bakheit and Lubna EL. Khidir.





<!--First Report of Nesidiocoris tenuis (Hemiptera: Miridae) as a predatory bug of Tuta absoulta in Khartoum, Kassala and Wad Medani.

By: Mohammed E. E. Mahmoud and Mohamed A. M. Elhaj.

 Diseases Control

<!--Evaluation of Nubrid Max 363 FS (imidacloprid 360+ tebuconazole 3) for the control of cotton seedling diseases and flea beetle.

By: Abdelmagid Adlan, Hayder Abdelgader, Amani Eltigani, Khalid Dafalla and

       Rania Alaraki.


<!--Evaluation of Revus Top 500 SC (mandipropamid 25%+ difenoconazole 25%)  fungicide for control of powdery mildew  and early blight in tomato.

By: Abdelmagid A. Hamed, Mohmed Ali  Abdalla, Amani E. Elhag, Salah M.

       Eltayeb,  Rawda Y. EL Habieb , and Lubna E. Khidir.


<!--Evaluation of some fungicides to control powdery mildew (Leviellula taurica) and early blight ( Alternaria alternata) diseases on tomato.

         By: Suad A. Gamiel, Asrar E. El Bashier and Rawda Y. EL Habieb.


<!--Efficacy of Centric 50 WP (45% mancozeb/ 5% cymoxanil) for control of early and late blight diseases in potato.

By: Nafisa H. Baldo, Abd Elmagid Adlan and Mohamed Ali Abdalla, Rawda Y.

       EL Habieb and Lubna E. Khidir.


<!--Efficacy of Defender 2% WS (tebuconazole) and Imidal 70 WS (imidacloprid) to control damping-off diseases and early insect pests in Sesame.

By: Elsafi M. M. Ahmed and Anas A. Fadlelmula.


<!--Evaluation of shoot powder of Hargal (Solenostemma argel (Del) Hayne) as seed treatment against Aspergillus crown rot disease of groundnut.

      By: Hatim Guma mardi Sideeg.

C - Weeds Control:

<!--Efficacy of pre-emergence herbicide, Aceto 90%EC (acetochlor), for weed control in maize.

By: Dafalla Ahmed Dawoud, Khogali Izzeldin Idris, Hassan Abdelgadir, Rawda      

      Y. EL Habib & Lubna E. Khidir.


<!--Evaluation of Hadaf 240 EC (a formulation of oxyfluorfen) for weed control in groundnut.

         By: EL fatih Abdel Aziz Ahmed, Hassan Abdelgadir, Dafalla Ahmed Dawoud

       and Ismail Siddig.


<!--Evaluation of the efficacy of herbicide Jintan 600 WP (metsulfuron-methyl) against broad - leaved weeds of wheat.

By: Khalid. M. Ali  and Ismail E. Omer.

<!--Evaluation of Pilar-2,4-D 60 % SL and Farmerfriend 720 SL ( formulations of 2,4-D) for weed control in sorghum.

By: El fatih Abdel Aziz Ahmed, Ayman Abdel Maged Awad, Hassan Abdelgadir,

       Dafalla Ahmed Dawoud  and  Ismail Siddig.


<!--Evaluation of Gardoprim plus Gold 500 SC (S. metolachlor 312.5/terbuthylazine 187.5) for pre - emergence weed control in sorghum.

By: Hassan Abdelgadir, Dafalla A.Dawoud and Mohamed Elkhawad, Rawda Y,   

       El Habieb and Lubna E. Khidir.


<!--Evaluation of Boost 48% SL (a new formulation of ethephon) to control sugar cane flowering.

               By: Makkawi Awad, Ihsan A. Abbas, Rawda Y. El Habieb and Waleed Mudawi.


<!--Evaluation of post-emergence herbicide, Select Super 120 EC (Clethodim) for weed control in Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.).

By: Khogali Izzeldin Idris, Gawahir Mohamed Dongola, Rawda Y. EL Habieb

       and Ihsan A.Abbas.


<!--Evaluation of Battar 36% SL (a formulation of glyphosate) for aquatic weed control in irrigation canals and drains.

By: Mohamed ElKhawad, Ihsan A. Abbas, Hassan Abdelgadir, Dafalla A.

       Dawoud, Rawda Y. El Habieb and Abosofian S. Osman. 


<!--Efficacy of Pilarsato 35.6 SL (a formulation of glyphosate) for post-emergence weed control in fallow fields 

By: Abosofian S. Osman, Dafalla A. Dawoud, Hassan A. Mubarak and M.         






المصدر: هيئة البحوث الزراعية-مركز وقاية المحاصيل

التحميلات المرفقة


هيئة البحوث الزراعية-السودان ARC

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هيئة البحوث الزراعية ARC

تمتلك هيئة البحوث الزراعية (ARC) تراث غني للبحوث الزراعية في السودان (اكثر من مائة عام ) في مجالات المحاصيل الحقلية-الغابات والموارد الطبيعية لها 13 برنامج وطني و43 برنامج فرعي يوجد الهيئة عدد 26 أستاذ باحث-68 استاذ مشارك-102 استاذ باحث مشارك-61 مساعد باحث-240 تقني-628 فني-361 موظف-1525 عامل. »


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